• Culture

Making the nation happy. Our report into employee reward and recognition is here

September 21, 2022
3 min read

Why employee reward and recognition is essential

As we emerge from the global pandemic to the new faces of the world of work, there’s been an unprecedented focus on the employee experience. Record numbers of employees are questioning what it means to be happy at work, and how they want to be rewarded for their efforts. In this climate, the workforce is looking for more than just fair pay and flexible working conditions.    

As part of our mission to close the Recognition Gap, we commissioned a YouGov survey into the incredibly positive effects using workplace gifting for employee reward and recognition can have on your employees and business as a whole.

We've analysed the results, reached out to leading HR influencers and provided our own insights as gifting experts to produce our new report - Making the nation happy. Just in time for International Week Of Happiness At Work too - almost like we planned it. 😁

Whether you're a business leader, head of people, office manager or just want to know why it is important to keep employees happy, the report contains a wealth of surprising statistics and useful takeaways that make it essential reading.


About the report

We asked over 2,000 employees across the U.K. from a range of industries how receiving gifts at work made them feel about their job, where they work, and the people they work for. The results are very clear; from improving staff motivation, strengthening professional relationships, boosting workplace culture and making staff happy - gifting works.

Here are a couple of examples taken straight from the report on why employee reward and recognition is essential to running a successful business with happy teams...

Infograph showing how the amount of people reporting they want to go above and beyond at work doubled if they had received a gift within the last year


The measurable extent to which gifting inspired employees to go above and beyond in their role was truly eye-opening.

The survey found 34% of those who had recently received a gift said they wanted to go above and beyond in their role. With only 17% of those who had not received a gift in over a year saying the same. Gifting doubled the positive responses!

Infograph showing how 46% of those who received a giftt less than a week ago would strongly agree to recommend their employer to others. Versus a 17% average


Company culture and employee happiness

An effective reward and recognition strategy is an essential tool in the battle for the best people, and in turn will help develop a positive company culture where everyone knows their efforts are appreciated.

The numbers speak for themselves, with 46% of those who received a gift less than a week ago saying they would strongly agree to recommend their current employer to others. Vs a 17% average only 12% where they’d never been gifted at all.

Hear from industry experts

We spoke with a number of leading HR and employee experience influencers to get their reactions and insights to the report's findings. Included in the report are comments from:

Gethin Nadin - Chief Innovation Officer at Benefex. Award-winning psychologist, bestselling HR author and keynote speaker.

Ben Whitter - Founder of HEX Organization and author of the bestselling HR books Employee Experience and Human Experience at Work.

Sue Tumelty - Founder and Executive Director, The HR Dept.

Jon Ingham - Director of the Strategic HR Academy. Analyst, trainer, keynote speaker.


"It doesn’t surprise me that those who have received a gift are more likely to say their culture was excellent. The very process of giving a gift is a clear message that says “I care about you”. Every employee wants to feel noticed and valued at work and when that happens, culture improves." Gethin Nadin - Chief Innovation Officer at Benefex.‍

Get your copy now


For access to our complete findings and all the employee reward and recognition statistics, click above to download your copy of the report today.

If you're looking for ways to keep your staff happy, engaged and motivated - and let's face it who isn't? - it might just be the best best thing you do this week.